Changelogs version 1.1


Release date: 2012-03-08
Reduced dependancy of Smarty. Working with newer Smarty versions. Started migration from Smarty.


Release date: 2012-01-11


Release date: 2012-01-10
Added warnings when records does not match set rules


Release date: 2011-12-01
Minor bugfixes


Release date: 2011-11-16
Totally reworked the permissions handling
Added permissions fields in _table and _field which takes a SearchString to match wether the user/group has the given permission to this object


Release date: 2011-11-02
Added function for selecting rows as described in the Wiki.
Altered API for easier sorting using Filter and FilterData.
REST service natively supported.
Script_general class implementation for scripts for all tables.
Methods_general class implementation for methods for all tables.


Release date: 2011-09-28
Bugfix: When a filter is active and an or search is put in the searchstring the whole filter is still applied
Bugfix: When a filter is active on a Table and the quick-search is used to connect a relation the applied filter is ignored in the target table
Added {self} to search variables, see documentation for more information.


Release date: 2011-09-28
Bugfix: Number of rows shown and total are updated correctly
Bugfix: Sums are updated correctly


Release date: 2011-08-29
Bugfix regarding x-x relations looping back to the same table
Remake of import function to support activating imports from script


Release date: 2011-08-24
Minor bugfixes in AD authentication


Release date: 2011-08-24
Minor bugfixes regarding vortex scripting
Added function to create static filters from currently show posts


Release date: 2011-07-01
Import functionality implemented. See documentation for instructions on how to make import templates.


Release date: 2011-06-23
Minor bugfix preventing & from being used in text fields


Release date: 2011-06-15
LDAP functionality for user authentication using AD implemented
ad_user field added to _users table
Remember to upgrade database


Release date: 2011-06-14
Reworked permission handling and selection
Minor bugfixes in relation connection from X side


Release date: 2011-05-19
Bugfix regarding view editing
Status box is showing during load/save in Chrome/IE as well
Rows;cols working as expected in details view
View order working as expected
Permission for table admin to admin tables
More responsetypes for scripts added


Release date: 2011-05-16
Bugfix regarding rules for TableAdmin and UserAdmin when not logged in as admin. Remember to run php index.php upgrade


Release date: 2011-05-16
Minor bugfixes in GUI
When the user creates a new post from a relation dropdown the new post is saved even if no data is changed.


Release date: 2011-05-11
Fixed bug regarding tablerecords with write access limited to own records.
Javascript optimization for better performance.


Release date: 2011-05-10
Bugfix regarding dropdowns not having an initial value on new records. This affected the creation of new TextFields in tables.


Release date: 2011-05-09
Script names are now utf8-encoded, so special characters like åäö is working now.
Icons can be referred to by using an URL and will be loaded as an URL.
Scripts generating PDF-files are now working again.


Release date: 2011-05-04
Totally reworked GUI based on OO-javascript
Less AJAX calls means faster access with less server load
Possibility to order using related fields
Files can be attached to new posts and are uplaoded on save
Cleaner look and faster GUI
Tested in IE8, FF and Chrome
Minor bugfixes