CLASS|AjaxHandler|/classes/ajax/ajaxhandler.php||This class handles all the AJAX calls coming back to the Vortex from the html frontend.
Note: This is an internal Vortex class that is not intended for use in scripts|
FIELD|XML|const XML = 0x0001;|Internal use for determining response type.|
FIELD|XMLSTART|const XMLSTART = 0x0002;|Internal use for determining response type.|
FIELD|XMLSTOP|const XMLSTOP = 0x0004;|Internal use for determining response type.|
FIELD|DOM|const DOM = 0x0008;|Internal use for determining response type.|
FIELD|ERROR|const ERROR = 0x8000;|Internal use for determining response type.|
METHOD|__construct()|public function __construct()|AJAXHandler instance|Initializing the response, constructing a new instance of the AJAXHandler.|
METHOD|handle()|public function handle()||Handles the AJAX request and builds a response.