====== Vortex HTML Markup ====== Since version 1.2 the Vortex handles HTML Markup replacement, which makes it easier to use ShowLists and specific field types in your custom scripts. The replacement is handled by the javascript class //SLTagParser// and is executed in the html footer on loading. To run the parser in your own code just run this snippet of code, replacing the target document element with the element you wish to traverse. new SLTagParser().parse( document ); ===== ===== All //
// elements with the CSS class //vxShowList// will be replaced with a ShowList. \\ **TODO**: Implement functionality for static tables not connected to the Vortex. The ShowList is configured via attributes prefixed with //data-config-// and all the parameters from [[vortex:java:showlistconfig|ShowListConfig.java]] can be set using theese attributes.\\ The //data-idtable// attribute contains the UUID of the table in the Vortex to connect the ShowList to and is mandatory. This code:
produces an editable ShowList without counters, functions, filterview, scripts or fetchmore bar. ===== ===== All //// elements with the CSS class //vxShowList// and a valid //data-type// attribute will be replaced with the suitable ShowList input field. === CheckboxField === Creates a checkboxfield. The //value// attribute controls wether it is checked or not. === ColorstatusField === Creates a ColorStatusField. The //value// attribute gives the color and text of the field on the form [color];[value] === DropdownField === Creates a DropdownField. The //value// attribute controls which element is the default one. The options in the dropdown are defined in the //data-strings// attribute on the form "[id]=[value],[id]=[value],..." === FileField === Creates a FileField for file input. === IntField === Creates a IntField input field which only accepts numeric data. The //value// attribute contains the initial value. === PasswordField === Creates a PasswordField, masking the input. The //value// attribute contains the initial value. === RelationField === Not yet implemented. === TextField === Creates a TextField for text input. The //value// attribute contains the initial value. === TextareaField === Creates a TextareaField for text input. The //value// attribute contains the initual value and the //data-rows// attribute controls the number of rows shown in the Textarea.