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The Import class handles importing data into the Vortex. Data can be imported from a variety of file formats as documented in the link here. Since version 1.1.1029 it is possible to invoke an import from the API to automate import processes for integrations.





Code Examples

This example code invokes an import given the import template my_import.xml, importing the file /tmp/testimport.csv and tagging all the imported tablerecords with the string import_20110921.

$nullvar = null;
$imp = new Import( $nullvar );
$imp->_set( 'noRows', '*' );      // Set a limitation of the number of rows to import, or * to import all rows from the file
$imp->name = 'import_20110921';   // Tag all imported tablerecords with the given string. Can later be used to filter out theese posts
$fileData = array( "name"=>"/tmp/testimport.csv", "tmp_name"=>"/tmp/testimport.csv" );   // Mimic the structure of an uploaded file
$imp->doImportFromTempate2( $fileData, "my_import.xml" );